Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Exam fever

The 2nd series has so far proved to be a daily race from the inside of the hall to the door.I, myself was out half an hour after the morning exam started.I was pleasantly surprised to see chechi beat me to the door.Within half an hour almost the entire s5 was sipping coffee or playing tabletennis.Didnt see the civil guys though.Wonder if they bunked the exam.Yesterday some 1st yr girl asked Roni if we are supposed to wait for another bell to start writing,coz roni got the paper and had wrote absolutely nothing.Arun g won todays race though.As soon as he got the question paper he yelled migraine and left without even signing the attendance sheet.He jumped right in front of achamma and repeated that he had migraine.Achamma took him to placement cell and laid him on the sofa.Asked if he wanted coffee or anything to eat.Pojo came and checked if he had fever.They asked if they should call his folks.He said his dad wont b there and his mom will get scared, so dont call.Everyone pls note, migraine gets u out of exams fast,gets u free food and royal treatment.Anyway the management doesnt seem to like the fast exits.Heard they read a circular that from now on, its compulsory to stay inside for at least an hour.Of course I was already out by the time the circular came.

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