Monday, August 11, 2008

Horizon 2008 video presentation

The much appreciated video presentation of horizon 08 conducted by s-7 EC, produced after two weeks of hard work by Jeebu Jacob,Anish M George and Lijo Thomas in shooting the videos,editing it, etc. The first time they took all the videos and later found out that there was some problem with the head of the camcorder, so they did it all again. The narration was done by Megha Pillai. The ending video effect of the clouds moving over the college building was filmed painstakingly by Jeebu and Anish. Special thanks to Lijo's friend Manu for helping with the editing.

p.s: the praising words about the college administration is purely fictional and any resemblance of any of those qualities with anyone from the college administration is purely coincidential and unintentional.

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