Tuesday, September 4, 2007

note to authors

while posting a new blog entry try to add a photo or video if available.u can set the size of the photo or video.and theres a small box called labels at the bottom of the blog compose box.add laabels to the post.right now i have made 3 labels about the blog, photos and prologue.prologue is the first entry in the blog.sort of an introduction.i put that labels so that even after many entries it will be easy to find that entry.so dont type prologue as the label for any other post except if its a continuation.if u add a photo put photos as a label.if theres a video put video.if there are several labels like maybe photos and videos just type photos,videos. labels help to make a sort of index of contents.so if v label photos every time.v can find all the photos by clicking teh label photos ok?

for example im putting the label about the blog for this post.as it has instructions on runing the blog

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