Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Last night I (sharath c george) was sitting in a bus headed back home from Bangalore staring out at the rain lashing against the windows and leaning back in my seat with absolutely nothing to do.the Volvo's wiper had gone bust and when they tried to repair it at the service station for 45 minutes, they ended up fixing the wiper but busting the TV. So no TV.since i was late as usual while packing for the trip i forgot to take my mp3 player.my phone was busted too so had mom's "torch" phone which by the way was running out of battery charge.so with nothing to do i started thinking about blogging.my cousin sis had started a blog abt her kids which got me thinking.i had been wanting to blog for a long time but hadn't coz i didn't care to make an online journal abt my deepest thoughts.but then i got this idea...y not make one about our gang of friends... what v r up to,our never ending jokes and parties.i already had memories to last a lifetime from just two yrs with the best friends i had ever had or can hope to have.but i feared that memories would fade someday.so i decided on making the blog.but then came the practical problems.ours is an unusual gang with numbers reaching up to at least 70 or 80 or god knows what.no1 ever took a head count and most of the guys in all branches of our year in college hang together.though v all constantly hear everybody's stories it just isn't possible for 1 guy to blog it all.also it would be pretty lame to have just my perspective about what such a huge gang does and says.so i thought i d find a way to add multiple authors.OK so what abt stuff v want on the blog, yet don't want any1 to read.so i decided to make another blog, a sort of add on to this one which contains highly interesting,funny,controversial yet private stuff.We could add comments and links to the restricted section from normal posts so that members can access more stuff by signing in with a user id and password.sounds like a plan. With these exciting plans brewing in my mind i pull the curtains closed over the sight of an endless chain of headlights on the highway ,recline my seats with a smile and close my eyes.....


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

such a cool dude...cool blog 2....supr cool...yu rock buddy!!